Dlog Utility


Dlog is a flexible and customizable logging utility designed to enhance JavaScript logging capabilities. It provides namespace-based log management, global silence control, and distinguishes between standard logs and error reports.



To use Dlog in your project, copy the Dlog.js file into your project directory. Include Dlog in your JavaScript files using:

import Dlog from './path/to/Dlog.js';

Or, for CommonJS modules:

const Dlog = require('./path/to/Dlog.js');


Basic Logging

    const logger = new Dlog();
    const debugLog = logger.namespace('debug');
    debugLog.log('Debugging the new feature.');

Global Silence

    logger.toggleGlobalSilence(true); // Silence all logs
    logger.toggleGlobalSilence(false); // Reactivate logging

Deactivating Namespaces

    // Deactivate the 'debug' namespace
    logger.namespaces['debug'].active = false;

More Examples of Usage

    // Initialize the Dlog class instance
    const logger = new Dlog();
    // Create namespaces for logging
    const debugLogger = logger.namespace('debug');
    const errorLogger = logger.namespace('error');
    const infoLogger = logger.namespace('info');
    // Set initial configuration for namespaces
    logger.namespaces['debug'] = { active: true, style: { fontSize: '8pt', color: '#007ACC' }};
    logger.namespaces['error'] = { active: true, style: { fontSize: '8pt', color: '#CC3300' }};
    logger.namespaces['info'] = { active: true, style: { fontSize: '8pt', color: '#33CC33' }};
    // Output sample log and error messages from different namespaces
    debugLogger.log('Debugging the new feature.');
    errorLogger.error('Error encountered while processing.');
    infoLogger.log('Information: Process started.');
    // Demonstrate global silence
    debugLogger.log('This debug message should not appear due to global silence.');
    errorLogger.error('This error message should also not appear due to global silence.');
    logger.toggleGlobalSilence(false); // Re-enable logging globally
    // Reactivating a specific namespace and demonstrating again
    logger.namespaces['debug'].active = false; // Deactivate the debug namespace
    debugLogger.log('This debug message should not appear as the debug namespace is deactivated.');
    logger.deactivateAllNamespaces(); // Deactivate all namespaces
    infoLogger.log('This info message should not appear as all namespaces are deactivated.');
    // Re-activate error namespace to demonstrate error logging
    logger.namespaces['error'].active = true;
    errorLogger.error('This error message should appear even after deactivating all namespaces, as the error namespace was reactivated.');
    // Output:
    // "Debugging the new feature." (styled in blue)
    // Error: "Error encountered while processing." (styled in red, shown as error in console)
    // "Information: Process started." (styled in green)
    // -- Global silence is then enabled, so no messages will appear --
    // -- Global silence is disabled, but the debug namespace remains deactivated --
    // -- All namespaces are deactivated, so no messages will appear --
    // Error: "This error message should appear even after deactivating all namespaces, as the error namespace was reactivated." (styled in red, shown as error in console)


Contributions to Dlog are welcome! To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Implement your changes.
  4. Submit a pull request.